Set Domain
Set Domain
This POST route is used to set domain records. It should only be used for domains already enabled in namestone. To enable a new domain use enable-domain.
(string): The domain ("testbrand.eth").address
(string): The ethereum address the name points to.contenthash
(string)(Optional): The link for an ipfs or ipns website.text_records
(object)(Optional): An object containing key-value pairs representing the text records to be set.
Curl Example
curl -X POST \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'Authorization: YOUR_API_KEY' \
-d '{
"text_records": {
"location":"📍 nyc",
"description":"APIs are cool",
}' \
SDK Example
import NameStone, { AuthenticationError, NetworkError, TextRecords } from '@namestone/namestone-sdk';
// Initialize the NameStone instance
const ns = new NameStone(<YOUR_API_KEY_HERE>);
// Define the domain parameters
const domain = "testbrand.eth";
const address = "0xE997d9b785Dd99832d21b3Ce5A34fCacC6D53C57";
// Define the text records
const textRecords: TextRecords = {
"com.twitter": "namestonehq",
"com.github": "aslobodnik",
"com.discord": "superslobo",
"url": "",
"location": "📍 nyc",
"description": "APIs are cool",
"avatar": ""
// Use an immediately invoked async function to allow top-level await
(async () => {
try {
const response = await ns.setDomain({domain:domain, address:address, text_records:textRecords});
console.log("Domain set successfully:", response);
} catch (error) {
if (error instanceof AuthenticationError) {
console.error("Authentication failed:", error.message);
} else if (error instanceof NetworkError) {
console.error("Network error:", error.message);
} else {
console.error("An unexpected error occurred:", error);